theGCexperience Ltd.

Energy Healing

Everything is Energy!

  • A Chakra is center of energy that connects our physical body on one side and the universe on the other. It is meant to be in constant flow, transmitting energy in both directions.

    Chakras are responsible for our spiritual and emotional health. The seven major chakras that are located along the body each relate to a gland in our body and work with a vital organ.

    When the chakras are out of balance it can lead to emotional and physical stress and potentially to ill-health. A chakra balancing session can help the most stressed-out person regain their sense of calm and inner serenity, regardless of what is going on around them.

    It is believed that whenever there is something going on with your emotional or physical health there is an underlying blockage in one or more of the chakras.

    Rebalancing the Chakras allows our organs to function in harmony and unison, restoring peace, health and happiness.

  • Energy Healing is an ancient approach that addresses disruptions in the body’s energy. Modern science has shown that energy flows through everything; our bodies, animals, plants and even objects. This confirms the knowledge held by many ancient cultures.

    Research also supports the concept that disruption in the energy flow in our bodies can result in many ailments, whether physical, mental or emotional.

    Disruption in our energy can result from many triggers such as our lifestyle, emotional baggage passed down with our genetics (epigenetic), unresolved emotional issues from life events and soul-based memories. All these will prevent us from enjoying optimal health.

    Symptoms such as pain, intestinal disorders, skin complaints, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep and PTSD can all be improved with energy healing. It can also help you to feel lighter, more confident, happier, more relaxed and less reactive to life events.

  • When our chakras are out of balance it means that some may be over-active, some under-active. As with everything, balance is the important thing here.

    Too much or too little energy flowing through our chakras will affect the way we think, act and feel. For example, if there is a lack of flow through the heart chakra it may cause the person to be “hard”, insensitive or selfish; too much and the person over generous and giving, caring so much about others that they fail to take care of themselves.

    Finding that perfect balance between openness to outside and Universal energies, and keeping up our energetic boundaries, is the primary purpose of Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing.

  • There are many different approaches to energy healing. Some involve hands on the body, some the practitioner will work in the field of the body and not touch, it may also incorporate other aspects such as crystals, sounds, colour therapy, symbols and smells.

    These approaches include Pran, Angel Healing, Integrated Energy Therapy, Chakra Balancing, and more. An experienced practitioner of any of these modalities will usually be working in an intuitive way and draw on whatever techniques are required at the time.

  • Most sessions take place with you lying on a comfortable treatment table. You remain fully clothed and may chose for a full body heating blanket to keep you warm.

    Initially I will connect with your body and determine where you need help. This may be where energy is congested, blocked, lacking or disrupted. I can also pick up any emotions you may be holding on to.

    I will then work to facilitate the release of blockages, bringing energy into the areas that are lacking to balance disruptions. Encouraging your body to let go of trapped emotions that no longer serve you and to release past traumas from your life, genetic memories and traumas.

    The session is all about facilitating you (your subconscious and your body) to heal. It is not about the healer 'doing' something to you; it is about assisting your innate healing ability and creating a safe space for this healing to take place. You are the healer!

    Experienced healers do not have a set procedure for sessions, they will be guided by what they intuitively feel is needed by you at the time.

    Where a healer uses touch, this may involve fingertips or palms and can be light or quite firm. Their hands may remain still, or they may use stroking or pressing movements. They can also work with their hands above your body if you prefer not to be touched. The session may work on one or more parts of your body.

  • This varies from person to person and from session to session.

    You may find the session anything between quite intense or deeply relaxing. Some people feel energy move such as a gentle flow, tingling, heat, cold, fizzing and shivers.

    Emotional release can trigger laughing, crying, sighing, yawning or even shaking as the body lets go.

    Some people feel a lot, some people experience less, and some go to sleep. All of this is normal.

  • At the end of the session, you can feel energized or relaxed and even tired. Some people experience dreams at night and emotional shifts over the next few days.

    You may experience significant changes with just one session, or the changes may be more gradual.

    The process is very personal. You may feel the need to return frequently or you may need time between sessions. Your healer will advise you at the end of the session as to how soon you should rebook.

    For most people a series of sessions is required to achieve the optimum result, however, you may take these at your own pace.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

— Nikola Tesla